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Labour Update - December 10th, 2019
Published on Dec 10, 2019 20:06


December 10, 2019

Dear Parents and Guardians:

We know our families are anxiously waiting for confirmation about whether or not strike action is proceeding as planned tomorrow, resulting in the closure of our elementary and secondary schools. At this point, our Board has not received confirmation, but we strongly expect that our 750 education support workers will be striking. We are encouraging families to have contingency plans in place in preparation for school closures. 

It is possible that confirmation could come as late as midnight, but as soon as we are officially notified we will communicate with our families immediately. In the meantime, we want our families to be prepared for school closures on Wednesday, December 11th, including the cancellation of busses and before and after school programs. 

Labour unrest is difficult for all those involved and we continue to pray for a resolution to these province-wide negotiations. Please continue to visit our board website at for updates and information. I regret that I am not able to provide a more definitive answer at this time.

Yours in Faith,

Brian Beal
Director Education