Mrs. Neto’s Grade One & Two
November 2019 News
November is now upon us and with it will come the cold weather. As the children spend three full recesses outside, it’s important that they come dressed appropriately, i.e. boots, hats, mittens etc. A piece of masking tape inside a hat or mitten with your child’s name on it might help prevent lost items.
Language Arts
Our spelling program is in full swing, and we are all proud of what great spellers we are becoming. Please ensure that your child practices his/her words each night. In class students practice their spelling words by: Monday - Rainbow Write each word 5 times, Tuesday - place words in alphabetical order and on Wednesdays we print each word in a complete sentence.
We have been busy writing in our Journals and writing spooky Halloween stories.
** Please continue reading each and every night.
Gr. 1 We have completed our number sense unit and are now beginning a new unit on graphing. The students have been exploring numbers with base ten blocks, ten frames and using ordinal numbers. Students have been practicing how to read and match number words from 0-10 and how to count backwards from 20-1. In our new graphing unit, children will be involved in generating questions and creating graphs based on the data they collect. We are practicing counting skills and using tallies to record our data.
Gr. 2 We are now finishing up with our Number Sense unit and will be discussing graphing next. The children have been learning: how to write numbers up to 200, count forwards and backwards by tens, represent numbers in different ways, learn how to count using base ten blocks, greater and less then sign and rounding to the nearest tenth. The children will be involved in generating questions and creating graphs based on the data they collect for our next unit.
Gr. 1 Students will begin their first science unit on Daily and Seasonal Cycles
Gr. 2 We will be wrapping up our unit on Simple Machines soon. The children have enjoyed learning and experimenting with various simple machines and exploring how they make life easier for us.
Social Studies
Gr. 1 We will be wrapping up our unit on Roles and Responsibilities soon. We are currently talking about time lines and special events in our lives. We have been learning about Thanksgiving and Halloween. Next, we will be starting a unit on peace for Remembrance Day Celebrations. During this month we will be focusing on being “Bucket Fillers,” and learning about Bullying.
We have been learning about All Saints Day. We are currently researching some facts about St.Teresa of Calcutta, by reading various books about her life. We will be writing a short biography on her life and answering the question –How is she an example of holiness?
We have had many discussions about what it means to be Catholic and who/what is God by discussing the blessed trinity.
Upcoming …
- Progress Reports will be going home on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019
- 3-Way Conferences are set for the evening of Thursday, Nov. 14 and the day of Friday, Nov. 15, 2019. Registration is online only on School-Day.
- November 15th is a P.A. Day
*The children are excited to have collected a lot of Halloween candy! Please ensure that they pack a healthy morning snack. I am encouraging them to only eat their treats for 2nd nutrition break.
* As cold and flu season is upon us – we are in need of some generous donations of tissue boxes to be shared in class. Thank you so much to all the families that have already sent some in.
* A friendly reminder: Our class is a nut-free environment. Please do not send in any products containing nuts. Please no Nutella products, no WOW butter. Please ensure that any treats sent in are nut-free. We have a child with a very severe nut allergy present in our classroom.
I look forward to celebrating your child’s achievements with you at the 3-way conferences. Please remember your child is to be present at the conference with you.
Thank-you again for all your support,
Mrs. N. Neto